448 research outputs found

    Coming to the Table: Exploring the Narrative of Cafe Reconcile and Learning in the Kitchen

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    In New Orleans, Louisiana, food shapes much of the discourse around cultural history and identity. Residents of this city identify with the historical and cultural significance of the dishes they cook, and as a result foodways as a curriculum emerges as a way to engage individuals in their learning and development. This study is concerned with how students learn in a space where the classroom is not just four walls and rows of desks, but instead is reimagined to also include a kitchen, restaurant, and the context of the local community. Furthermore, this study explores what learning looks like in a space where food and life skills dominate the daily learning activity instead of the national curriculum. Through six months of site observation and10 semi-structured interviews, I explored the experiences of students going through the life-skills and food curriculum offered at my research site, Café Reconcile. Through their narratives, the following themes emerged: (1) students desire to be part of a community that explicitly shows care; (2) students are empowered and generate internal motivation to persist after gaining membership into the learning community; (3) the shape of learning changes from theory to application within a kitchen space; and (4) within this type of space, learning how to navigate cultures of power takes precedence over the food content

    Javali (Sus scrofa): a introdução, legislação e danos causados pela espécie no Brasil e avaliação preliminar da implementação da Portaria SAR n° 37/2021 no controle sorológico da Peste Suína Clássica no estado de Santa Catarina.

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    Monografia TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.Santa Catarina é reconhecida internacionalmente como zona livre de febre aftosa sem vacinação e zona livre de peste suína clássica, bem como é o maior produtor de carne suína no Brasil, respondendo por mais da metade do faturamento nacional com exportações - o que torna de suma importância o controle populacional do Sus scrofa e monitoramento epidemiológico de doenças de interesse econômico no qual a espécie pode atuar como reservatório. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a implementação da Portaria SAR n° 37/2021 que regulariza o transporte de carcaças de javali (Sus Scrofa) no estado de Santa Catarina, revisando aspectos sobre o histórico de inserção e dispersão da espécie no país, os danos ambientais, socioeconômicos e sanitários acarretados e como a legislação referente a espécie evoluiu até aqui. Foram aqui analisados dados da CIDASC referentes aos procedimentos da Portaria SAR n°37/2021 (Agentes de Manejo habilitados, Autorizações mensais de trânsito de carcaça, Formulários de Colheita de Amostras de Suínos Asselvajados, Espécimes abatidos e Número de Amostras encaminhadas ao CEDISA) no período de 01/07/2021 a 17/02/2022. Fora observado 1107 agentes de manejo habilitados, 1285 autorizações mensais de trânsito de carcaças de javalis, 312 Formulários de Colheita de Amostras de Suínos Asselvajados, 806 espécimes abatidos 348 amostras encaminhadas ao CEDISA no período. Ao menos 35,26% dos Agentes de Manejo Populacional no estado anteriormente habilitados não aderiram aos procedimentos a nova portaria, com uma taxa de 0,15 licença/controlador/mês emitida no período. A média de animais abatidos foi de 2,58 por formulário enviado e 0,73 por agente de controle. Faz-se necessário maior divulgação na mídia tradicional e digital bem como conscientização da importância da medida junto dos agentes de manejo populacional para que a implementação e adesão a portaria seja mais efetiva

    Helping Continuing Care Retirement Communities Determine the Best Level of Care for Each Patient

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    Background: Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) consists of various neighborhoods and care spaces for senior adults. The neighborhoods are organized and residents are housed based on “levels of care” (LOC), Independent, Assisted, and Nursing. During scheduled interprofessional meetings, the CCRC leadership has the critical task of understanding the residents’ needs and assigning them to the appropriate LOC. Currently, the process of completing this task lacks the necessary structure, which engenders challenges in making recommendations in a systematic way. This project seeks to offer the CCRC interprofessional team a structured approach to determine which LOC and its resources would best serve each individual resident. Methods: User-centered research began at a CCRC, The Hill at Whitemarsh, in Summer 2019. Interviews with administration, employees, and patients were organized. Meetings with employees were observed. Preliminary LOC checklists and questionnaires were tested at The Hill’s biweekly LOC meetings and a final tool was produced. Results: The administration felt the lack of structure during the biweekly LOC meetings led to inefficient discussion and decision-making. The meetings also did not take into consideration patient individuality. The Interprofessional care team preferred a list of questions that was arranged with the intent to guide discussion, with enough freedom to consider the uniqueness of each elder. Conclusion: This tool provides the CCRC Level of Care team with a format to guide their meetings and carefully consider the needs of each resident. Based on feedback, the administration believes this tool improves the efficiency and structure of their discussions. One limitation of this project is time. To improve the validity, the project can be extended to accurately determine the success of the tool for meeting efficiency and patient satisfaction

    Using a Checklist to Guide Discussion in Level of Care Meetings at the Hill at Whitemarsh

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    Background: The Hill at Whitemarsh is a retirement facility in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania which has three bundles of services for residents termed levels of care (LOC). Meeting are held routinely by medical and administrative staff to determine if an individual needs to move to a different LOC to improve her/his quality of life and safety. These meetings require integration of medical, functional, cognitive, social, and subjective factors often requiring input from several staff members. In this project, we seek a checklist for staff members at the Hill to use at the LOC meetings to ensure important points of discussion for a patient are not missed. Methods: We began our research by interviewing the Hill staff including the CEO, director of nursing, social worker, director of recreational therapy, nurses, and nursing assistants. Next, we generated several iterations of the checklist. Then, we implemented the checklist at the Hill in several level of care meetings, and the responses of the staff were recorded. Results: We identified a project at the Hill, interviewed key personnel, iterated, and implemented our design. Although staff admitted that the checklist captured important points of discussion for each patient, it was not thought to improve the decision-making process because decisions were often made without all the information included in the checklist. Conclusions: In this project we found a need to improve the LOC meeting by making a tool to integrate complex impressions from multiple people; however, our solution did not adequately capture the flexibility needed in LOC meetings. A future tool would quantify both the important factors and how important they are in deciding

    Radio Continuum and Star Formation in CO-rich Early Type Galaxies

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    In this paper we present new high resolution VLA 1.4 GHz radio continuum observations of five FIR bright CO-rich early-type galaxies and two dwarf early-type galaxies. The position on the radio-FIR correlation combined with striking agreements in morphology between high resolution CO and radio maps show that the radio continuum is associated with star formation in at least four of the eight galaxies. The average star formation rate for the sample galaxies detected in radio is approximately 2 solar masses per year. There is no evidence of a luminous AGN in any of our sample galaxies. We estimate Toomre Q values and find that the gas disks may well be gravitationally unstable, consistent with the above evidence for star formation activity. The radio continuum emission thus corroborates other recent suggestions that star formation in early type galaxies may not be uncommon.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, to be published in the Astronomical Journa

    It’s a small world for parasites: evidence supporting the North American invasion of European Echinococcus multilocularis

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    Echinococcus multilocularis (Em), the causative agent of human alveolar echinococcosis (AE), is present in the Holarctic region as several genetic variants deemed to have differential infectivity and pathogenicity. An unprecedented outbreak of human AE cases in Western Canada infected with a European-like strain circulating in wild hosts warranted assessment of whether this strain was derived from a recent invasion or was endemic but undetected. Using nuclear and mitochondrial markers, we investigated the genetic diversity of Em in wild coyotes and red foxes from Western Canada, compared the genetic variants identified to global isolates, and assessed spatial distribution to infer possible invasion dynamics. Genetic variants from Western Canada were closely related to the original European clade, with lesser genetic diversity than that expected for a long-established strain and spatial genetic discontinuities within the study area, supporting the hypothesis of a relatively recent invasion with various founder events

    Whose Tweets are Surveilled for the Police: An Audit of Social-Media Monitoring Tool via Log Files

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    Social media monitoring by law enforcement is becoming commonplace, but little is known about what software packages for it do. Through public records requests, we obtained log files from the Corvallis (Oregon) Police Department's use of social media monitoring software called DigitalStakeout. These log files include the results of proprietary searches by DigitalStakeout that were running over a period of 13 months and include 7240 social media posts. In this paper, we focus on the Tweets logged in this data and consider the racial and ethnic identity (through manual coding) of the users that are therein flagged by DigitalStakeout. We observe differences in the demographics of the users whose Tweets are flagged by DigitalStakeout compared to the demographics of the Twitter users in the region, however, our sample size is too small to determine significance. Further, the demographics of the Twitter users in the region do not seem to reflect that of the residents of the region, with an apparent higher representation of Black and Hispanic people. We also reconstruct the keywords related to a Narcotics report set up by DigitalStakeout for the Corvallis Police Department and find that these keywords flag Tweets unrelated to narcotics or flag Tweets related to marijuana, a drug that is legal for recreational use in Oregon. Almost all of the keywords have a common meaning unrelated to narcotics (e.g.\ broken, snow, hop, high) that call into question the utility that such a keyword based search could have to law enforcement.Comment: 21 Pages, 2 figures. To to be Published in FAT* 2020 Proceeding

    An Assessment of Potential Exposure and Risk from Estrogens in Drinking Water

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    BACKGROUND. Detection of estrogens in the environment has raised concerns in recent years because of their potential to affect both wildlife and humans. OBJECTIVES. We compared exposures to prescribed and naturally occurring estrogens in drinking water to exposures to naturally occurring background levels of estrogens in the diet of children and adults and to four independently derived acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) to determine whether drinking water intakes are larger or smaller than dietary intake or ADIs. METHODS. We used the Pharmaceutical Assessment and Transport Evaluation (PhATE) model to predict concentrations of estrogens potentially present in drinking water. Predicted drinking water concentrations were combined with default water intake rates to estimate drinking water exposures. Predicted drinking water intakes were compared to dietary intakes and also to ADIs. We present comparisons for individual estrogens as well as combined estrogens. RESULTS. In the analysis we estimated that a child's exposures to individual prescribed estrogens in drinking water are 730-480,000 times lower (depending upon estrogen type) than exposure to background levels of naturally occurring estrogens in milk. A child's exposure to total estrogens in drinking water (prescribed and naturally occurring) is about 150 times lower than exposure from milk. Adult margins of exposure (MOEs) based on total dietary exposure are about 2 times smaller than those for children. Margins of safety (MOSs) for an adult's exposure to total prescribed estrogens in drinking water vary from about 135 to > 17,000, depending on ADI. MOSs for exposure to total estrogens in drinking water are about 2 times lower than MOSs for prescribed estrogens. Depending on the ADI that is used, MOSs for young children range from 28 to 5,120 for total estrogens (including both prescribed and naturally occurring sources) in drinking water. CONCLUSIONS. The consistently large MOEs and MOSs strongly suggest that prescribed and total estrogens that may potentially be present in drinking water in the United States are not causing adverse effects in U.S. residents, including sensitive subpopulations.Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, LLC; Pfizer Inc.; Wyeth Inc
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